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How To Perform A Maximum Heart Rate Test

Do this test if you are training with a heart rate monitor. Test can be executed on an indoor trainer with optimal cooling or a long and uninterrupted steady hill that has wide shoulder and little to no traffic.

Before you test - you should be in good health, well rested, not injured and have not raced recently. Once you have your test values, training zones can be calculated to ensure the work you're doing is at the correct intensity.

1. Warm up well for 20 minutes.

2. Next a continuous effort of 6min30sec. Remaining seated, start off at race pace effort and hold it for five minutes, next do a one-minute maximum effort and then an out of the saddle 20 to 30 second all-out maximum sprint.

3. Cool down, easy riding for 10 minutes.

The highest heart rate value achieve is your maximum heart rate or MHR and you can calculate your training zones which are based on a percentage this number.

Zone 1 = below 72% of your MHR.

Zone 2 = 72 % to 82% of your MHR.

Zone 3 = 83% to 87% of your MHR.

Zone 4 = 88% to 93% of your MHR.

Zone 5 = 94% to 100% of your MHR.


That is it. Thank you for reading. I hope you found it to be a useful resource.

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